Hamza Ali

Articles by Hamza Ali

  • GPC: Protecting the GIB's green mandate

    20 April 2017

    As part of the terms of the sale of the Green Investment Bank (GIB) the UK government set up the Green Purposes Company (GPC), which owns a "special share" allocation designed to safeguard the GIB mission to channel money into green projects.

  • First green bond from an insurer is launched

    19 April 2017

    The first green bond from an insurance company has hit the market. Its proceeds will be used to finance and refinance a green bond portfolio.

  • Green bond round-up, 19 April 2017

    19 April 2017

    The Nigerian government has announced that it is delaying the launch of its inaugural sovereign green bond until after its 2017 budget is passed.

  • IFoA launches tender on climate change modelling for pension funds

    18 April 2017

    The UK's Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) has launched a call for proposals to model climate change's effect on defined benefit pension schemes.

  • Union Investment's green bond fund to exclude poor ESG performers

    18 April 2017

    Union Investment's new green bond fund will not buy paper from issuers that fail to meet its environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • CTX to sell UN voluntary carbon credits

    13 April 2017

    The Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX) will now list UN Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) as part of the Climate Neutral Now initiative.

  • First Solar mulls sale of 8point3

    12 April 2017

    First Solar has announced that it is considering the sale of its interest in yieldco 8point3 Energy Partners, as the formers makes a strategic realignment around its solar panel business.

  • Conservation finance lender gets EU backing

    11 April 2017

    The EU's natural capital lending facility has made its first loan, lending Rewilding Europe Capital (REC), a social enterprise established in 2014 that speicalises-conservation and re-wilding projects, €6 million ($6.27 million).

  • Tool launched to measure drought impact on corporate loans

    05 April 2017

    A new tool measuring the impact of drought risk on corporate loans has been launched by the Natural Capital Finance Alliance.

  • Green bond comment, March 2017

    05 April 2017

    The rising tide of green bond funds is helping drive the market to new records, says Hamza Ali