Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • More protection is needed if GIB is to be privatised, says committee

    21 December 2015

    Privatisation of the UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) should not go ahead unless the government can ensure that its environmental objectives are protected and strengthened, a parliamentary committee has said.

  • Industry and investors welcome extension of US solar tax credits

    21 December 2015

    Shares in US solar energy companies have soared on news that the investment tax credit (ITC) is to be extended for three years at the current level of 30%.

  • EEX plans windpower hedging contract

    14 December 2015

    A hedging contract to help European wind energy generators protect their cashflows from adverse weather conditions, is to be launched early next year.

  • Innovative finance now critical in driving competitiveness of renewables - Citi

    08 December 2015

    Yieldcos, green bonds and other financial innovations will be key to further improvements in the cost competitiveness of renewable energy, according to analysts at Citi.

  • RWE's Dawson elected as IETA chairman

    07 December 2015

    The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) has elected Paul Dawson, head of regulatory affairs at RWE Supply and Trading, as chairman of the board.

  • RGGI prices make further strong gains

    07 December 2015

    Carbon allowances in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) market soared to a new high of $7.50 in the latest quarterly auction, held on 2 December.

  • UK renewables firm blames government for sale, de-listing

    07 December 2015

    Renewable Energy Generation (REG) is planning to sell some of its assets, de-list from the London stock exchange and wind up the rest of the company, blaming government changes to renewables support measures.

  • Bank consortium provides £730m debt for UK 'smart meter' roll-out

    03 December 2015

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) and six commercial banks are providing some £730 million ($1.1 billion) in debt finance towards a £1 billion programme to install more than 7 million 'smart meters' in the UK.

  • Ecotricity raises £18.5m from latest 'ecobond'

    01 December 2015

    UK green energy company Ecotricity has raised £18.5 million ($27.9 million) from its third 'ecobond'.

  • Environmental pioneer Maurice Strong dies

    01 December 2015

    Maurice Strong, whose pioneering work at the UN in the 1970s paved the way for this week's landmark climate change summit in Paris, has died at the age of 86.