Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • Revised GBPs get qualified welcome from investors

    22 June 2016

    New guidance for issuers of 'social' bonds and 'pure-play' green bonds, in the latest version of the Green Bond Principles (GBPs), has been broadly welcomed by investors.

  • Green Bond Principles revised to improve transparency

    16 June 2016

    Better reporting and more transparency are the key aims of the latest edition of the Green Bond Principles (GBP), the self-regulatory guidelines shaping the fast-growing market.

  • BNP launches new ESG analysis service

    15 June 2016

    BNP Paribas Securities Services (BNPPSS) has launched a service to help institutional investors monitor the performance of their portfolios in terms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.

  • Inconsistency of ESG data can help boost investment returns, says Calvert

    14 June 2016

    The inefficiency of the market in environmental, social and governance (ESG) data creates opportunities for investors who understand these issues to boost returns without adding extra risk, according to research from Calvert Investment Management.

  • US power company issues second benchmark-sized green bond

    14 June 2016

    Southern Power has returned to the green bond market with its second benchmark issue, this time denominated in euros.

  • Swedish fund manager offers 'climate-neutral' investments

    13 June 2016

    Ohman, a Stockholm-based fund manager, is offering investors in its sustainable equity funds the possibility of making their investments 'climate-neutral'.

  • WWF calls for more disclosure, standards in the green bond market

    13 June 2016

    Leading players in the green bond market should support the development of clear standards to assess the true environmental contribution made by these instruments, and improve disclosure about these benefits, says a report from WWF.

  • APX to launch new registry for international renewables credits

    09 June 2016

    Registry provider APX is launching a new service to facilitate international trade in the voluntary market for renewable energy certificates.

  • Green bond market needs dialogue with policymakers, says think tank

    08 June 2016

    More input from policymakers is essential to ensure further sustainable growth of the green bond market, according to the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE).

  • Many more green bonds likely from India, says Axis bank

    06 June 2016

    There will "probably be many more green bonds out of India" said Shikha Sharma, CEO of Axis bank, one of the country's leading private sector banks.