Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • BlackRock refinances UK wind portfolio with ING

    17 October 2016

    BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has secured a £55 million ($67 million) long-term debt facility from ING to refinance five operational wind farms in the UK.

  • EU ETS fails to curb cement sector emissions, says think tank

    12 October 2016

    The carbon intensity of the cement industry in the European Union has increased since the launch of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in 2005, said environmental think tank Sandbag.

  • Energy efficiency investments up 6% in 2015, despite lower fuel costs

    11 October 2016

    Global investment in energy efficiency reached $221 billion last year, an increase of 6% on 2014, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

  • Investors spell out climate change expectations of auto sector

    11 October 2016

    A wish list of measures that investors want automotive companies to take in response to climate change has been published by a group of leading institutions representing assets of more than $24 trillion.

  • Aviation emissions plan raises questions for EU ETS

    10 October 2016

    The introduction of a new market-based mechanism to curb the growth of greenhouses gas emissions from aviation raises questions about the future of the sector within the EU's Emissions Trading System (ETS) and will do little to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, critics said.

  • Deadline extended in Environmental Finance's 17th annual Market Rankings

    06 October 2016

    Nominations close on Friday 4 November 2016

  • Investors and industry hail entry into force of Paris Agreement

    06 October 2016

    Institutional investors and leading industrial companies have welcomed the news that the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change will come into force on 4 November.

  • Green Bond Comment - September

    05 October 2016

    Green bond issuance of almost $6 billion in September took the nine-month total for this year to $61.8 billion – more than twice the figure for the same period last year.

  • Dutch pension scheme boosts SUSI renewables fund

    05 October 2016

    SUSI Partners has closed its Renewable Energy Fund II (RE II) at €380 million ($426 million), helped by a single investment of €100 million from a Dutch pension fund.

  • Canadian government urged to support green bond market

    04 October 2016

    The Canadian government should act to boost the country's modest green bond market, which has grown less quickly than expected in recent years, according to the Smart Prosperity Institute (SPI), a local lobby group.