Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • Major investors demand more action from ESG index providers

    12 December 2017

    Equity index providers were urged by two of the world's largest investment organisations to develop more 'useable' indexes based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

  • China gets tough with corporate polluters

    12 December 2017

    From 2018, the Beijing government is to insist that all listed companies and bond issuers in China disclose the environmental risks associated with their operations or explain why they are not doing so.

  • Corporates confirm their commitment to green bonds

    12 December 2017

    A group of Europe's largest industrial issuers of green bonds have made a formal pledge to promote the future growth of the market.

  • Green bonds round-up, 6 December 2017

    06 December 2017
  • Green bond comment, December 2017

    06 December 2017

    A record amount of new issues, several significant 'firsts' and important regulatory initiatives in November, suggest the green bond market is well-placed for further dramatic growth.

  • EU carbon market weekly update - 4 December 2017

    04 December 2017

    Cold weather forecasts, unreliable nuclear availability and the looming auction shutdown mean the risks are to the upside for EUA prices this week, says Louis Redshaw

  • Index ranking green financial centres due to launch in Q1 2018

    04 December 2017

    An attempt to rank financial centres according to their contribution to green finance is being launched by Brussels-based NGO Finance Watch and the London-based Long Finance initiative.

  • Green bonds round-up, 29 November 2017

    29 November 2017

    The latest green bond from New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) reached $2.021 billion, confirming it as the largest ever municipal green bond.

  • Insurers reach 'tipping point' on climate change

    29 November 2017

    Concerns about climate change are influencing the underwriting and investment policies of a growing number of insurance companies, finds Graham Cooper

  • Wind hedging could soar as price supports fades, says WindEurope

    29 November 2017

    Demand for protection against adverse wind conditions hitting wind power generators' revenues could soar as government support for renewables declines, according to WindEurope.