Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • Regulations could limit sustainable bank financing, HLEG warns

    31 January 2018

    Current and proposed regulations could hinder banks from making more sustainable loans, HLEG says.

  • HLEG final report turns its gaze to natural capital

    31 January 2018

    HLEG's final report expands on its interim report significantly by adding separate sections devoted to agriculture and marine resources.

  • Leading project developer in row over forest carbon credits

    29 January 2018

    Terra Global Capital, a leading developer of sustainable forestry projects, has robustly rejected a fierce attack by European NGO Fern on the use of carbon offset credits from forest projects.

  • EU carbon market weekly update - 29 January 2018

    29 January 2018

    Fundamental factors would suggest EU Allowance prices are likely to slip back this week, but further speculative demand could add to recent gains, says Louis Redshaw.

  • Green bond round-up – 24 January 2018

    24 January 2018

    Singapore-based Sindicatum Renewable Energy has issued a two-tranche INR2.5 billion ($40 million) bond to fund clean energy projects in India.

  • Karbone acquisition expands its capital advisory services

    24 January 2018

    Karbone, a leading player in the market for renewable energy certificates (RECs) and other energy markets, has acquired Watts Capital LLC, a New York-based investment bank and broker dealer.

  • Climate change demands new approach to infrastructure credit risk - analysts

    23 January 2018

    Credit officers within banks should consider a range of financial strategies to cope with more variable cashflows from infrastructure projects arising from climate and weather risks, a report suggests.

  • Carbon trading soars 22% in 2017

    23 January 2018

    The value of carbon allowances traded last year jumped 22% as policy decisions and regulatory reforms boosted confidence in emissions trading, according to data from Thomson Reuters.

  • Meeting climate goals while unlocking productivity and delivering growth

    22 January 2018

    A major expansion of green infrastructure is urgently needed and it makes economic as well as environmental sense, says Zoë Knight.

  • Trucost warns of potential hit to corporate profits from Paris Agreement

    18 January 2018

    New policies and taxes aimed at helping countries meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change "could lead to significant losses" for many companies, according to Trucost.