Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • SUSI renewables fund backs Norwegian wind project

    02 July 2018

    The €382 million ($445 million) SUSI Renewable Energy Fund II has bought an 80% equity stake in a 208MW wind energy project in Norway, for an undisclosed sum.

  • Green Bonds round-up, 27 June

    27 June 2018

    KBC Group, a leading Belgian financial institution, has issued its first green bond – a five-year, €500 million ($600 million) transaction that was three-times oversubscribed.

  • France raises €4 billion from latest tap of Green OAT

    27 June 2018

    The French government has raised a further €4 billion in green finance from the latest tap of its pioneering green sovereign bond (OAT).

  • Japan Bank for International Cooperation eyes ESG investments

    26 June 2018

    The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) wants to join "the global ESG movement" by investing in next generation infrastructure, according to incoming president Tadashi Maeda.

  • Economic case for ESG investing is valid, says Swiss Re

    26 June 2018

    Insurance giant Swiss Re, which in July 2017 committed to using benchmarks based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, rather than market-capitalisation, has concluded that "the economic case for ESG investing is a valid one."

  • Leading retailers and RBC act on supply chain emissions

    26 June 2018

    Three of the world's 20 leading retailers – CVS Health, Target Corporation and Tesco – have joined Walmart in requesting information on their suppliers' carbon emissions as part of an initiative to improve supply chain sustainability.

  • Buildings and research take bulk of proceeds from green OAT

    26 June 2018

    Green buildings and scientific research account for more than half of the finance already allocated from France's green sovereign bond (OAT).

  • France plans new tap of green OAT this week

    25 June 2018

    The French government is preparing to tap its green sovereign bond for the fourth time.

  • Green bond round-up, 20 June, 2018

    20 June 2018

    ESG investors flock to Australian SDG bond National Australia Bank (NAB) has issued its first 'green SDG bond' which it said aligns with the Green Bond Principles while also contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • ESG analysis boosts emerging market sovereign bond returns, says asset manager

    20 June 2018

    Fully integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process can greatly improve returns from portfolios of emerging market sovereign bonds, according to Belgian finance house Degroof Petercam (DP).