Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • Carbon price jumps 19% in latest RGGI auction

    07 September 2020

    Carbon emission allowances in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) market cleared at a price of $6.82 in this month's auction, almost 19% above the level seen in the June auction.

  • Global Commission on Adaptation aims to boost finance for nature-based solutions

    07 September 2020

    The Global Commission on Adaptation has renewed a call for innovative financing models to scale-up investment in nature-based solutions (NBS) to climate change.

  • Taxonomy alignment - 'no one is going to look good'

    03 September 2020

    Most investment portfolios - even those with a strong sustainability focus - have a low level of alignment with the EU's Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities, according to speakers on an Environmental Finance webinar entitled What will the green taxonomy mean for investors?

  • ISS ESG pilot project checks for alignment with EU Taxonomy

    02 September 2020

    ISS ESG, a data and analysis firm specialising in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, is developing a product that will enable investors to assess the degree to which their portfolios are aligned with the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities.

  • COP 26 webinar: Harmonised disclosure of climate data is key

    20 August 2020

    The next major UN climate change conference - COP26 - will "focus on financial services as an enabler for progress in the real economy," according to Rosie Donachie, group head of government relations and regulatory strategy, at the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG).

  • Global accounting standard for 'financed emissions' open for consultation

    19 August 2020

    A Global Carbon Accounting Standard to help international financial institutions consistently measure and disclose the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions financed by their loans and investments is now available for public consultation.

  • Axa IM launches 'ESG-integrated' emerging market Euro debt fund

    12 August 2020

    Axa Investment Managers (Axa IM) has launched a fund that will invest in euro-denominated emerging market bonds, while screening out companies with low environmental, social and governance (ESG) scores.

  • Covid-19 will accelerate many sustainability trends, says Impax

    12 August 2020

    The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated many existing sustainability trends but introduced new risks and changed the trajectory of others, according to Impax Asset Management.

  • Allianz GI attracts €600m for global diversified infrastructure fund

    11 August 2020

    Allianz Global Investors (Allianz GI) has reached €600 million ($707 million) in the first close of its Global Diversified Infrastructure Equity Fund (AGDIEF).

  • Franklin Templeton unveils fund for green US muni bonds

    05 August 2020

    Investment manager Franklin Templeton has launched a fund for US investors that will invest primarily in municipal green bonds.