Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • EU Weekly Carbon Update, 15 July 2019

    16 July 2019

    Louis Redshaw remains bullish about the EUA price, despite last week's 9% rise and the sharp increase in auction volume this week.

  • Bond round-up: Societe Generale, Ferrovie, Posco, BKW Group and more...

    10 July 2019

    New York State Housing Finance Agency has issued a preliminary statement announcing its intention to issue two sustainability bonds amounting to $72.77 million and $9.6 million.

  • Green, social and sustainability bond issuance leaps 37% in H1

    03 July 2019

    Issuance of labelled green, social and sustainability bonds jumped 37% in the first six months of this year to $147.8 billion, according to Environmental Finance’s Bond database.

  • Bond round-up: Westpac, CGNPC, Prologis, Hera, Hannon Armstrong ... and more

    03 July 2019
  • Chubb's coal exclusion policy to impact at least $10m of assets

    01 July 2019

    US insurer Chubb has announced it will not make new debt or equity investments in companies that generate more than 30% of their revenues from thermal coal mining or that generate more than 30% of their energy production from coal.

  • ESG ratings reflected in sovereign credit spreads, says Hermes

    01 July 2019

    Countries that rate highly on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria benefit from tighter credit default swap (CDS) spreads than those with lower ESG ratings, a study has found.

  • Green Bonds round-up, 26 June

    26 June 2019

    BBVA issued its first green bond, also for €1 billion, in May 2018. Since then it has issued two much smaller bonds, in September 2018 and February 2019.

  • Germany’s Dürr claims first ESG-linked Schuldschein

    20 June 2019

    German engineering group Dürr has raised €200 million ($224 million) from an innovative Schuldschein whose coupon will vary according to the company’s sustainability rating.

  • Bond round-up: Chile, Korea, Engie, CDC, Vattenfall, BayWa, RATP … and more

    19 June 2019
  • Green bond market should get a boost from proposed EU standards, say insiders

    18 June 2019

    Revised proposals for an EU Green Bond Standard (EU GBS) from the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) have been generally welcomed by market insiders.