Genevieve Redgrave

Articles by Genevieve Redgrave

  • What investors want from COP16

    31 July 2024

    With less than 100 days until COP16 in Colombia, investors say attention must turn to the implementation of targets. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • 'First-of-its-kind' nature restoration tracker launched

    31 July 2024

    Nature data provider NatureMetrics has launched a 'first-of-its-kind' tool to track soil restoration.

  • AIGCC launches nature training for investors

    31 July 2024
  • INVL raises further €1.3m for timberland and farmland fund

    31 July 2024
  • NextEnergy Capital seeking nature-positive investments

    31 July 2024
  • TNFD and GRI launch interoperability map

    30 July 2024

    The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have launched an interoperability map, setting out a "high level of alignment" between the two standards.

  • Verra launches label for 'exceptional quality' credits

    29 July 2024

    Verra has launched a new label for reforestation credits deemed to be of an "exceptional quality".

  • Ocean 14 Capital eyes second fund

    29 July 2024

    Ocean 14 Capital (O14C) is mulling the launch of a second fund as it looks to meet anticipated demand in the nascent ocean investment sector.

  • Academics criticise SBTi's 'arbitrary and restrictive' approach

    26 July 2024

    The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has been criticised by a group of academics for taking a "prescriptive" approach to emissions reductions and carbon offsets.

  • Carbon offsetting fund proposed by Arup

    26 July 2024

    Sustainability consultancy Arup has called on the private sector to develop a carbon offsetting fund in the UK as an alternative to "concerning" offsetting practices.