Genevieve Redgrave

Articles by Genevieve Redgrave

  • AIGCC launches forestry and energy transition working groups

    01 March 2023
  • Australian regulator launches greenwashing litigation against superfund

    28 February 2023

    The Australian regulator has launched court action against 'superfund' Mercer Super for misleading its sustainable fund investors over its involvement in fossil fuels.

  • Ascor to benefit emerging market-focused bond investors, says ABN Amro

    27 February 2023

    An asset-owner backed framework to assess countries' climate risk and performance will be particularly beneficial for investors looking to invest in developing countries and emerging markets bonds, ABN Amro has said.

  • G20 to create SDG investment framework

    27 February 2023
  • Apex launches ESG database

    27 February 2023
  • India keen to 'set the pace' on ESG, says HSBC

    24 February 2023

    Recent regulatory developments that push India's ESG requirements forward show it is looking to "set the pace in certain areas", HSBC has said.

  • Climate litigation unlikely to be as significant in Asia, says HSBC

    24 February 2023

    As climate-related litigation ramps up around the world, HSBC has predicted it will be much less prevalent across Asia.

  • UK must 'act now' on its green taxonomy or risk losing green financial leadership

    23 February 2023

    The UK has been warned by its own Green Technical Advisory Group (GTAG) that it needs to "act now" on developing its overdue taxonomy of sustainable activities, or risk being overtaken as a green financial centre.

  • EU sustainable fund guidance will create confusion, warns EFAMA

    22 February 2023

    The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has called for a delay to the EU's ESG fund labelling guidelines, over concerns the proposed measures would be unfair to investors lacking clarity on definitions.

  • UK EV investment stalled by land issues, says Zouk Capital

    22 February 2023

    Investment in electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure in the UK is being stalled by land and grid issues, Zouk Capital has said.