Genevieve Redgrave

Articles by Genevieve Redgrave

  • EU consulting on taxonomy expansion

    18 October 2023
  • The Future of ESG Data conference: 'Biodiversity disclosures without targets are meaningless', says Nestle

    17 October 2023

    Disclosing on biodiversity without setting adequate targets and plans in conjunction is "meaningless" and unlikely to lead to progress, Nestle has said.

  • The Future of ESG Data conference: ESG rating regulation must not 'prescribe what to provide to the market'

    17 October 2023

    Forthcoming regulation of ESG rating providers must not dictate what they should provide to the market, an Environmental Finance conference heard.

  • The Future of ESG Data conference: Disclosures 'not making the planet any better', says ABN Amro

    17 October 2023

    Sustainability disclosures do not deliver real-world progress, and instead holding board positions and building relationships are much more important in driving change, ABN Amro has argued.

  • Biodiversity credits should learn 'painful lessons' from carbon market, says Bank of America

    13 October 2023

    Biodiversity credit markets need to learn "painful lessons" from the carbon markets, and may require support from governments to build their credibility, said Bank of America.

  • 14 financial institutions make biodiversity pledge

    12 October 2023
  • Robeco offers carbon offsets for climate funds

    11 October 2023

    Robeco has offered its clients an opportunity to offset the emissions of three of its climate-focused investment funds.

  • Mirova exploring the production of biodiversity credits

    11 October 2023

    A sustainable land use-focused fund is testing projects with the potential to generate biodiversity credits, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • Biodiversity credits face 'credibility challenges', warns Sustainable Fitch

    10 October 2023

    Biodiversity credits are likely to face similar "credibility challenges" to carbon credits, Sustainable Fitch has warned.

  • Reporting burdens hindering biodiversity SLBs, says Sustainable Fitch

    10 October 2023

    Despite "considerable" growth in biodiversity-related green bonds, the market for related sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) is being hindered by reporting burdens, Sustainable Fitch has said.