Genevieve Redgrave

Articles by Genevieve Redgrave

  • Global Environment Facility earmarks $1bn for nature

    05 February 2024
  • Innovative Fijian coral reef insurance policy inked

    05 February 2024

    An innovative insurance policy that will help make a range of Fijian coral reefs more resilient to cyclone and storm damage has been signed.

  • Greenwashing concerns hindering transition, warn European regulators

    05 February 2024

    Transition needs to be better articulated by regulators to help diminish the growing fear of greenwashing accusations, European regulators have warned, adding that it is important that "we accept some shades of brown".

  • Blue bonds look set to grow in interest, predicts Sustainable Fitch

    02 February 2024

    Amid a rise in labelled bonds with water management characteristics and growing focus on water risk, Sustainable Fitch has predicted that blue bonds will see growth in 2024.

  • People moves, 2 February: PRI, AXA IM, South Pole and ... more

    02 February 2024
  • European Commission: Regulators need to push back against expensive nature data

    02 February 2024

    Regulators need to "push back" against expensive nature data providers and consultants, and provide the toolkit for nature regulation implementation themselves, a European Commission representative has said.

  • Stafford raises $635m for timberland fund

    01 February 2024
  • Finance for Biodiversity extends implementation period

    01 February 2024

    The Finance for Biodiversity pledge has extended its reporting window until 2027 for newcomers, in a bid to increase the number of financial institutions signed up to the initiative.

  • More private capital is needed to help hit forestry targets, says Gresham House

    01 February 2024

    The UK and other countries need to attract more private capital to help them hit their reforestation targets, Gresham House has argued.

  • Amundi looking to 'escalate' engagement and voting on biodiversity

    31 January 2024

    Amundi is looking to escalate its engagement activity against companies that have a negative impact on biodiversity, including potential voting action at proxy season.