Genevieve Redgrave

Articles by Genevieve Redgrave

  • Need to bring ocean data to the financial 'front line', says former Citi chairman

    03 September 2024

    Better access to higher-quality data for financial institutions and investors will help to scale up ocean-related investing, according to Citi's former sustainability chairman.

  • BNP Paribas AM raises €150m for 'ecological transition'

    03 September 2024
  • African alliance looks to mobilise $10m towards nature

    03 September 2024

    The African Natural Capital Alliance is aiming to mobilise $10 million towards nature-based solutions through a programme which will bring together financial institutions from across Africa.

  • Tokyo Gas to invest $25m in nature-based carbon fund

    02 September 2024
  • BRICS countries to scale up carbon markets participation

    02 September 2024
  • MAS explores blended finance nature-opportunities

    02 September 2024
  • Global biodiversity metric being developed by engineering giant

    30 August 2024

    Danish engineering giant Ramboll is developing an open-source global biodiversity metric to help standardise assessments and improve reporting.

  • Hard for recycling companies to be 'commercially successful', warns BNP Paribas

    30 August 2024

    Financing and adoption challenges means recycling companies will find it hard to be commercially successful, BNP Paribas Asset Management has warned, adding that companies with "good technologies" are still failing.

  • BNP Paribas to rename transition fund over negative connotations

    29 August 2024

    BNP Paribas Asset Management is looking to rename its Energy Transition Fund over concerns that the term now has negative connotations.

  • First biodiversity credit methodology approved by Cercarbono

    29 August 2024

    Carbon credit standard setter Cercarbono has approved the first methodology for use in its biodiversity credit programme.