David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Poor ESG data hinders investment decisions, says SSgA

    26 March 2019

    The opaqueness of data around environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is acting as an impediment to institutional investors, such as insurers, who want to commit more to their programmes, according to State Street Global Advisors' (SSgA) head of ESG Rakhi Kuma.

  • Japan Post Insurance boosts ESG equities investing

    19 March 2019

    And vouch to insource 20% of its overall equity investments

  • Finland’s Varma tightens screws on coal industry

    01 February 2019

    Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Finland’s largest private investor, has put added emphasis on climate change mitigation in the latest update of its responsible investment principles.

  • QBE sets impact investing target at $1bn

    18 January 2019

    QBE has set a goal to grow its impact investment portfolio to $1bn by 2021, tripling its previous minimum commitments.

  • Swiss Re estimates 2018 catastrophe bill at $2.9bn

    15 January 2019

    Swiss Re expects a bill from large catastrophes and man-made disasters of $2.9 billion for 2018 with nearly half coming from the fourth quarter alone.

  • California's new insurance regulator echoes Dave Jones on climate issues

    08 January 2019

    California's new insurance commissioner has followed in the footsteps of his predecessor Dave Jones, by linking the state's recent forest fires to "the threat of climate change".

  • Stormy weather cost German insurers $3bn in 2018

    07 January 2019

    Storms and heavy rain cost Germany’s property and casualty (P&C) insurers €2.7 billion ($3 billion) in insured losses for 2018, according to the German Insurance Association (GDV).

  • Spike in fire risk claims was partly due to global warming, says AIG

    04 December 2018

    AIG partly attributed a doubling in the proportion of European claims it received stemming from fire damage to the effects of climate change.

  • Hannover Re defends coal investing

    12 November 2018

    Reply to criticism comes on heels of Vienna Insurance Group's own defence

  • Extreme weather index launched in Australia

    09 November 2018

    Benchmark is designed with risk management in mind