Christopher Marchant

Articles by Christopher Marchant

  • News Round Up: PBAF, Morningstar, NBIM, NextEnergy, and more

    04 March 2021
  • Simon Zadek keynote: Build natural capital into Covid-19 relief packages

    04 March 2021
  • News Round Up: M&G, Malaysia, Aberdeen Standard Investments, and more

    03 March 2021
  • BIS suggests liquidity backstop to protect against 'runs' on high-carbon assets

    03 March 2021

    The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has warned of potential "runs" on brown assets as investors exclude high-carbon corporate emitters from their portfolios, and has called for the creation of a 'liquidity backstop' to help solve the problem.

  • News Round Up: Citi, Fidelity, CISL

    02 March 2021
  • BlackRock sees increased focus on circular economy in midst of Covid-19

    02 March 2021

    The shift towards a circular economy has actively increased in the past six months, in spite of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the latest findings from BlackRock's Circular Economy Fund.

  • EBA advocates for 'green asset ratio' for banks

    01 March 2021

    The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published advice underlining the importance of the 'green asset ratio', supported by other KPIs, as a key means to understand how institutions are financing sustainable activities and meeting the Paris Agreement targets.

  • Use SFDR draft standards as reference point, ESAs say

    01 March 2021

    Financial institutions in the EU should "use as a reference" draft technical standards for sustainability-related disclosures until the standards formally enter into force, the three European Supervisory Authorities have said.

  • News Round Up: Varma, Aviva, Qontigo, SEEIT, and more

    01 March 2021
  • BlackRock integrates climate considerations into capital market assumptions

    26 February 2021

    The world's largest asset manager BlackRock is to integrate climate considerations into its capital market assumptions (CMAs), the long-term return expectations for asset classes that form the cornerstones of client portfolios.