Ahren Lester

Articles by Ahren Lester

  • US natural capital strategy will 'ease' corporate de-risking, reporting

    05 September 2022

    Investors have been urged by Jefferies to watch US national natural capital accounting developments closely, with the recently published US government strategy set to 'ease' ...

  • Aegon focuses £490m short-dated bond fund on 'climate transition'

    05 September 2022
  • Chinese firms 'must improve ESG' in APAC listing pivot from US

    26 August 2022

    Chinese companies delisting from the US may need to improve their environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach if they wish to shift their secondary listing to Hong Kong or Singapore...

  • Shrinking sovereign greenium 'can no longer be taken for granted'

    26 August 2022

    Worsening market liquidity is shrinking the size of the 'greenium' for sovereign, sub-sovereign, supranational and agency (SSA) green bond issuers...

  • US states target ESG investment as US SIF hits back at 'political' attacks

    25 August 2022

    Politicians in two US states have launched anti-environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment policies, whilst the US SIF has published an 'ESG Truths' website amid growing "politically motivated and simplistic attacks" on ESG in the country.

  • Loan round-up: RPT Realty, Shoprite, CHG-Meridian, Vena Energy ... and more

    25 August 2022
  • UN Race to Zero readies 'compliance mechanism'

    25 August 2022

    UN-backed climate campaign Race to Zero (RTZ) has confirmed further information on its 'compliance mechanism' will be published in September, with a major partner welcoming plans to remove members who fail to meet its strengthened criteria.

  • Bond round-up: EIB, Massachusetts, Barloworld, KBC, NN ... and more

    24 August 2022
  • Sustainable bonds take record market share

    24 August 2022

    Sovereign green bond issuance helped labelled debt secure a record share of the European bond market in the second quarter, Ahren Lester writes

  • US munis given access to their ISS ESG ratings

    23 August 2022