Ahren Lester

Articles by Ahren Lester

  • London CIV in 'early stages' of launching natural capital fund

    12 March 2024

    London CIV is in the process of launching its first natural capital-focused fund, the UK pension fund manager told an Environmental Finance event.

  • UK nature investment fund first close 'soon', says Lord Benyon

    12 March 2024

    The UK government-backed Big Nature Impact Fund (BNIF) is expected to announce its first close from private investors "soon", according to a senior minister.

  • Lord Benyon: First UK nature investment standards launch next week

    12 March 2024

    UK Climate, Environment and Energy minister Richard Benyon told an event that the British Standards Institution (BSI) will launch the first of its principles for nature investment markets next week.

  • Sustainable bond fund assets hit $41bn record

    01 March 2024

    Investor appetite for sustainable bond funds has sent the market to record highs in 2023, with expectations of more to come in 2024. Ahren Lester reports

  • Phasing out fossil fuels requires new transition-away products, says Natixis

    01 March 2024

    Innovative financial tools and products are needed to 'transition away' from fossil fuels and exit 'brown' activities, said Natixis CIB.

  • ICMA draws up a 'Common Ground Taxonomy' for transition plans

    26 February 2024

    The influential trade association wants issuer to act on transition plans before regulations arrive, and has provided a high-level tool to get the process started. Ahren Lester reports

  • Tanzanian water authority issues 'historic' green bond

    26 February 2024

    Tanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (Tanga UWASA) has issued a TZS53.1 billion ($21 million) 'water green bond,' which is believed to be the first municipal agency sustainable bond issuance in East Africa

  • KfW: $2bn US green bond six-times oversubscribed

    22 February 2024
  • AFII: PPC target 'turnaround' shows 'strength of SLBs'

    22 February 2024

    Greece's Public Power Corporation (PPC) is on "back on track" to meet its next sustainability-linked bond (SLB) target, despite missing an earlier one - which the Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII) said shows the positive incentive that the performance-based instrument provides issuers.

  • African 'gender bond toolkit' launched by development groups

    21 February 2024