Ahren Lester

Articles by Ahren Lester

  • ESG ETF assets could hit over 3% of market by 2029, Morgan Stanley

    07 August 2020

    Rapid growth of assets in environmental, social and governance (ESG)-focused exchange traded funds (ETFs) could see them hit almost $600 billion - equivalent to around 3.2% of the total market - by 2029, according to Morgan Stanley.

  • Fulcrum launches £70m Paris-aligned equity fund

    06 August 2020

    Fulcrum Asset Management has launched a global equity fund which is aligned to the climate goal of the Paris Agreement.

  • Industry standard for tailings dam management launched

    06 August 2020

    A global industry standard on how to manage tailings dams from construction through to closure has been launched, described as an "important milestone" towards ensuring zero harm to people and the environment following a series of disasters.

  • Circular economy webinar: Integration and data are key to development

    06 August 2020

    Accelerating investment in the circular economy requires banking innovation as well as increasingly holistic thinking and transparent data, the speakers at an Environmental Finance webinar said, with current progress leaving plenty of reasons to be upbeat. Ahren Lester reports.

  • Green and sustainability-linked loan round-up: Swire Properties, Adecoagro, Murra Wara II

    05 August 2020
  • ISS ESG launches transition bond second party opinion service

    05 August 2020

    ISS ESG has updated its second party opinion (SPO) methodology to support issuers of transition bonds ahead of guidance being published later in 2020.

  • BP outlines oil production cuts and bolsters net-zero carbon ambition

    04 August 2020

    BP has announced it will cut oil and gas production by two-fifths and increase its low-carbon investments ten-fold by 2030 in order to achieve its net-zero carbon ambition, whilst also halving its dividend.

  • 5% of European insurer assets are EU Taxonomy eligible, says EIOPA

    03 August 2020

    Only a "small proportion" of total assets held by European insurance firms may be eligible under the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities, according to research by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).

  • SUSI raises €300m for innovative flagship energy transition fund

    03 August 2020

    Swiss asset manager SUSI Partners secured €300 million ($354 million) in the first closing for its new flagship energy transition fund, with an innovative structure to balance long-term investment with built-in liquidity.

  • A tenth of insurer investments in climate sensitive assets, says EIOPA

    31 July 2020

    More than 10% of total investments by European insurers could be in sectors highly exposed to climate risk, according to preliminary data from the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)