Ahren Lester

Articles by Ahren Lester

  • Fossil fuel exit language mars second COP26 decision draft

    12 November 2021

    A weakening of the language around the phase-out of fossil fuels in the second draft of the COP26 UN climate summit decision has disappointed environmental campaigners, although its continued inclusion heartened others.

  • Nuclear inclusion would 'jeopardise' EU Taxonomy, warn ministers

    12 November 2021

    Nuclear power should be excluded from the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities in order to not "jeopardise" the credibility and usefulness of the landmark 'green' regulation, according to environment ministers from five EU countries - including Germany

  • SBTi launches draft financial sector net-zero 'foundations'

    11 November 2021

    The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has published its draft net-zero 'foundations' for financial institutions aimed at creating a "common language" around net-zero concepts and target setting for the sector.

  • Loan round-up: CEMEX, Intellihub, ARA, Exemplar REIT, Warehouse Group ... and more

    11 November 2021
  • Russia adopts national green taxonomy

    11 November 2021

    Russia has adopted its own national taxonomy of 'green' activities which has been designed to be broadly in line with the taxonomies already published by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) and EU.

  • KfW launches Latin America green bond fund

    11 November 2021

    KfW has invested €74 million ($86 million) in a Latin America green bond fund the German development bank has initiated...

  • Bond round-up: Ford, Faurecia, TenneT, Atos, Colgate-Palmolive, Dios ... and more

    10 November 2021
  • COP climate finance commitments are 'flimflam, but good flimflam'

    10 November 2021

    The string of headline-grabbing climate finance commitments announced at the COP26 UN climate summit are "flimflam...

  • Make EU green bond standard mandatory, says ECB

    09 November 2021

    The European Central Bank (ECB) has recommended that the EU makes its green bond standard mandatory within five years, and warned that its current provisions for transition green bonds are "not sufficient".

  • Swiss regulator tightens 'greenwashing' scrutiny of funds

    08 November 2021

    The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has published guidance for fund managers to combat 'greenwashing'...