
  • GLG launches 'green' hedge fund

    01 March 2007

    GLG Partners, an $18 billion London-based hedge fund manager, is raising funds into an open-ended environmental hedge fund. The GLG Environment Fund will use research from Trucost to identify companies within its $1.5 billion European equity strategy with a lighter environmental footprint, on the assumption – backed up by back-testing – that they will outperform the wider market.

  • Suzlon outbids Areva for Repower

    01 March 2007

    Indian wind turbine manufacturer Suzlon has triggered a takeover battle for Repower Systems, a German wind turbine maker that was last month the subject of a bid from Areva, a French nuclear and electricity transmission company.

  • Standard RECs contract released

    01 March 2007

    A standard contract for trading renewable energy certificates (RECs) was released in February by the American Bar Association, the Environmental Markets Association and the American Council on Renewable Energy. Those organisations formed a joint committee in 2005 to develop a contract that would be technology-neutral and usable in both compliance and voluntary markets (see Environmental Finance, November 2006, page 20).

  • EU aims for 25% cut in car emissions

    01 March 2007

    The European Commission has proposed mandatory targets to compel car makers to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2)?emissions from new cars by around 25% by 2012.

  • French scheme awards €1.2bn SRI mandates

    01 March 2007

    ERAFP, the French public service pension scheme, has awarded mandates to four socially responsible investment (SRI) managers, to make equity investments expected to top €1.2 billion ($1.6 billion) over the next four years.

  • The lull before the storm?

    01 March 2007

    As far as natural catastrophes are concerned, the insurance industry – and the planet – got off lightly in 2006.?But the world's largest insurers warn that worse is to come. Jess McCabe reports

  • Carbon credits prove elusive for biofuels

    01 March 2007

    There is still no system to allow developers of biofuel projects to trade in carbon emission reductions, says Caitlin Randall

  • Bubble or no bubble?

    01 March 2007

    Comparing the Nasdaq with an index of clean energy stocks might reassure investors fearing a renewable energy bubble. But irrational exuberance might still undo the unwary, says Michael Liebreich

  • The public face of private equity

    01 March 2007

    For a section of the financial world that prefers – by definition – to operate as far away from the public gaze as possible, the private equity business has recently been attracting some unwelcome attention.

  • All-out auctions?

    01 March 2007

    New York's bold proposal to auction all allowances under its proposed carbon trading programme raises crucial questions, says Roman Kramarchuk