
  • EU faces tough deadline on climate package

    01 February 2008

    Industry and environmental groups have warned that the European Commission faces an uphill battle to reach agreement on its comprehensive energy and climate proposals – and failure to do so before the European Parliament is dissolved ahead of elections in June 2009 could see the whole deal unravel.

  • Commission sets out vision for EU ETS

    01 February 2008

    The European Commission has set out its vision for the evolution of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) beyond 2012, including significant reforms to harmonise its operation across Europe.

  • Biofuels must cut GHGs – Commission

    01 February 2008

    Biofuels in the EU will have to provide a minimum 35% greenhouse gas saving over fossil fuels for them to count towards a new target for biofuels use, the European Commission has announced.

  • Two years and counting

    01 February 2008

    The Bali climate negotiations set the clock ticking on two years of negotiations to craft a new international emissions regime. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Europe's climate change vision

    01 February 2008

    On 23 January, the European Commission set out its vision for the EU's energy and climate policy to 2020 and beyond. The big picture numbers came as no surprise – a 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels by 2020, and 20% of the bloc's energy to come from renewables by the same date.

  • Price is not enough

    01 February 2008

    Putting a price on carbon through the tax system is difficult, controversial and will only get us so far. A cap on greenhouse gas emissions is also needed, says Jonathan Lash

  • Clicking past coal

    01 February 2008

    Google's charitable foundation aims to be as disruptive as its parent company. Trevor Curwin talks to Dan Reicher, its man charged with making renewables cheaper than coal

  • Managing risk and adding value

    01 February 2008

    Environmental and social risk management in project finance, if done properly, can add value to project sponsors and financing institutions – as well as to the environment and local stakeholders, says Robert Montgomery

  • Financing dangerous climate change

    01 February 2008

    Rainforest Action Network is calling for a moratorium on the financing of new coal-fired power plants. William Barclay and Rebecca Tarbotton explain why

  • AIMing for growth in 2008?

    01 February 2008

    Can London's Alternative Investment Market defend its position as the exit of choice for clean-tech entrepreneurs in 2008? Saul Sender ­considers their options