
  • E.ON and Dong step in to save London Array

    01 September 2008

    The future of the London Array offshore wind farm looks more secure, after E.ON and Dong Energy agreed to buy Shell's stake.

  • Investors favour 'ESG' in battle of vocabulary

    01 September 2008

    Environment, social and governance (ESG) has won out in an effort to hack through the thicket of vocabulary surrounding socially responsible or sustainable investment.

  • Less than zero

    01 July 2008

    Barely a week goes past without another company claiming some kind of carbon neutrality. But do the claims stack up? Iain Watt and Bill Burtis attempt to make the sums work

  • A spark in the tank?

    01 July 2008

    High oil prices and climate change concerns are turning up the voltage on the electric car industry. Alexandra Cran-McGreehin reports on where investors see the most promising opportunities

  • Made in China

    01 July 2008

    There is no doubt: China's wind energy market will be massive. But what role will foreign developers, turbine makers and investors play? Joshua Speckman reports

  • In the eye of the beholder

    01 July 2008

    Another summer, another G8 summit. This one, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, apparently cost its hosts $590 million to stage, and goodness knows how much to convene the usual travelling circus of politicians, diplomats and journalists.

  • An allowance to take to the bank

    01 July 2008

    Congress should look to carbon allowance property rights when it revisits the Lieberman-Warner bill – or risk hitting the liquidity of the carbon market, say Patrick Traylor and James Morin

  • Asking the right questions

    01 July 2008

    The EU faces an uphill battle to meet its 2020 renewable energy and greenhouse gas targets. The UK's energy minister Malcolm Wicks sets out how the UK is rising to the challenge

  • Putting wind power into the mainstream

    01 July 2008

    Eddie O'Connor wasted no time after selling Airtricity in leaping back into the clean energy fray, with new venture Mainstream Renewable Power. He talks wind power with Jess McCabe

  • Software suppliers grapple with emissions challenge

    01 July 2008

    As carbon emissions rise ever higher up the corporate agenda, software companies are having to adapt their existing products or develop dedicated solutions for this new management challenge. Clive Davidson reports