
  • People moves this month

    01 March 2009

    Comings and goings in Environmental Finance this month

  • An evolving role for international offsets

    01 March 2009

    The Clean Development Mechanism is playing an important role in the international climate regime and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme – but business as usual is not an option, say Jos Delbeke and Peter Zapfel

  • The path to US participation

    01 March 2009

    The evolution of a domestic US carbon market is intimately interwoven with the stance of the new administration on the international stage – and the shape of both is beginning to emerge, say James Heath, Aleka Seville and Tuomas Rautanen

  • From sea to shining sea

    01 March 2009

    Three regional greenhouse gas emissions trading schemes are under way or planned in the US. No fewer than 10 bills proposing federal carbon caps have been drafted by Congress. Katie Kouchakji summarises the key features of the regional schemes (left). Below we set out the salient features of the leading cap-and-trade bills and chart their projected emission trajectories

  • Why cap and trade is not the answer

    01 March 2009

    It may have worked for SO2, but cap and trade is the wrong answer to the climate change question, say Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel

  • Crossing the river

    01 March 2009

    Meg Brown outlines the thinking behind Citi's recent move from a standalone SRI research effort to a more integrated approach

  • An environmental sub-prime crisis?

    01 March 2009

    The banking sector is beginning to come to terms with its sub-prime exposures, but do environmental risks pose as great a threat? Greg Larkin warns of an impending flood of defaults – and risks going unmanaged

  • Navigating the credit crunch

    01 March 2009

    Funding for renewable energy businesses is still available – with the right approach. James Knight explains how best to appeal to investors

  • Profiting from pond-life

    01 March 2009

    Many investors believe that algae could supply valuable energy, but profits may take years to arrive, says Vic Wyman

  • Whither voluntarism?

    01 March 2009

    Voluntary commitments by industry to address climate change have done little so far to cut emissions – but they may have a role to play in the future, says Rory Sullivan