
  • Grim reading

    01 April 2009

    For anyone still labouring under the illusion that the clean technology sector might escape the worst of the global downturn, the release of investment numbers for the first quarter of 2009 will have come as quite a wake-up call.

  • People moves this month

    01 April 2009

    Comings and goings in Environmental Finance this month

  • Time to turn the tide

    01 April 2009

    Business increasingly recognises the importance of water – and the risks posed by poor water management. But better information about the issue is urgently needed, says Sharon Nunes

  • A bond boost for green tech markets?

    01 April 2009

    A new concept in public finance – voluntary environmental improvement bonds – could unlock massive untapped retail demand for a whole range of environmental technologies, says Michael Curley

  • Coming back to earth

    01 April 2009

    Intense competition to invest and financial market innovation meant a few years of feast for renewable energy developers. But, even when the current financing famine eases, they may have to get used to leaner times, say Ben Warren and Rajaram Jamadagni

  • Putting the policies in place

    01 April 2009

    Getting the right financial support mechanism in place is a necessary but not sufficient condition for ensuring that renewable energy targets are met, says Nick Molho

  • Sunshine and showers

    01 April 2009

    China's wind energy sector is likely to be a beneficiary of the government's efforts to stimulate its economy as the world splutters into recession. But the outlook isn't so bright for its solar industry, reports Joshua Speckman

  • Weathering the storm

    01 April 2009

    In the last quarter of 2008, the global financial crisis finally hit the catastrophe bond market. As bond issuance begins to resume, Beat Holliger explains how the market is learning the lessons from Lehman Brothers' default

  • The case for allocating carbon allowances

    01 April 2009

    The US power sector stands ready to contribute to the nation's efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions – but any cap-and-trade programme must allocate, not auction allowances, says Thomas Kuhn

  • Seeing the wood for the trees

    01 April 2009

    As the US prepares to regulate carbon emissions, the links between business and the environmental movement – such as those forged by Glenn Prickett – will become crucial. Gloria Gonzalez reports