
  • Waxman moves House closer to Senate on renewables

    21 May 2009

    The loosening of renewable energy targets in the proposed US House of Representatives climate and energy bill brings its provisions closer to Senate renewables proposals – making federal targets more likely, say observers.

  • Faulty turbines deepen losses at Clipper Windpower

    21 May 2009

    Losses widened to $313.3 million at Clipper Windpower in 2008, as the wind turbine maker was forced to spend $300 million over two years fixing faults.

  • Energy chiefs bullish on renewable support

    21 May 2009

    Senior executives in the energy industry predict that subsidies for renewable energy will increase during the next year, despite economic troubles that have plagued the globe, according to a KPMG mergers and acquisitions (M&A) report.

  • Biopetrol chief slams German government for bringing biodiesel sector low

    20 May 2009

    The chief executive of biodiesel producer Biopetrol Industries launched a stinging attack on Germany's politicians – including the Chancellor Angela Merkel – for almost destroying the country's biodiesel sector through double standards, egoism, bowing to special interests and politicking.

  • EU, US renewables growth outstrips conventional sources

    14 May 2009

    More renewable energy than conventional power capacity was added in both the EU and the US for the first time in 2008, according to the annual report from stakeholder group REN21.

  • EBRD earmarks €3-5bn for sustainable energy

    14 May 2009

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has unveiled plans to invest €3 billion-5 billion ($4 billion-7 billion) in the second phase of its Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI), over 2009-11. The SEI Phase 2 aims to attract private sector co-financing of an additional €9-15 billion in efficiency and renewable energy projects, and reduce some 25-30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions (Mt CO2) each year.

  • WWF slams Commission proposal on carbon leakage

    14 May 2009

    The European Commission's plans to offer the EU's biggest polluters free emissions allowances to protect them from overseas competition could undermine the bloc's climate change credibility and reduce its clout in Copenhagen, warned the WWF today.

  • VC investment in clean-tech plummets – Ernst & Young

    14 May 2009

    The economic gloom caused a significant drop in US venture capital (VC) investment in clean technology firms in the first quarter of 2009, according to Ernst & Young.

  • REG merges with single-plant biodiesel producers

    13 May 2009

    US company Renewable Energy Group (REG) has announced a plan to merge with three commercial-scale biodiesel plants in a move designed to better position the company to meet higher demand.

  • Real estate fund managers link sustainability and returns

    07 May 2009

    A resounding 95% of real estate fund managers believe there is a relationship between environmental performance and financial returns, according to a survey of UK and European property funds. However, "the majority felt this [relationship] was difficult to quantify at the current time," said Aviva Investors, sponsors of the survey along with the Environment Agency Pension Fund.