
  • Investors unmoved by jump in China solar target

    05 July 2012

    China is to increase its 2015 target for solar power generating capacity to 21GW, but investors and analysts were unimpressed, as they already expect installations to far exceed that target.

  • Citi's Brown steps back from sell-side research

    05 July 2012

    Leading climate change analyst Meg Brown has decided to step back from sell-side research at Citi, and is moving to its private banking arm to undertake a project on sustainable finance and philanthropy.

  • Sluggish second quarter for clean energy investments

    05 July 2012

    Global clean energy investment continued to cool in the second quarter of 2012, amid financial turmoil in the eurozone and a slowdown in renewables installations in China, according to VB Research.

  • OECD agrees greener export credit rules

    03 July 2012

    OECD countries have agreed to enhance the environmental and social due diligence they perform when providing export credit guarantees – and will encourage support for climate-friendly technologies such as carbon capture and storage.

  • Bulgaria's renewables sector to be hit hard by slashed subsidies – experts

    03 July 2012

    Renewable energy development and investment in Bulgaria is set to cool following sharp cuts to feed-in tariffs, according to industry experts.

  • Sarasin raises $100m into cat bond fund

    03 July 2012

    Switzerland's Bank Sarasin has raised $100 million into a fund that will invest in natural catastrophe (cat) bonds, capping its size because of a lack of suitable assets.

  • First State beefs up responsible investment capacity, hires Oulton

    03 July 2012

    First State Investment has hired Will Oulton as its global head of responsible investment and has created a new Asia-Pacific responsible investment post, to which it has appointed Pablo Berrutti.

  • WWF calls for institution to finance fishery conservation

    02 July 2012

    A financial institution for the recovery of marine ecosystems (FIRME) should be created to help finance the conservation of global fish stocks, according to WWF.

  • China invests $900m in Chilean solar project

    02 July 2012

    Chinese solar developer Sky Solar has signed a $900 million deal with China's development bank and a Chilean conglomerate to construct a solar project in Chile.

  • Echoes of Solyndra as solar manufacturer Abound files for bankruptcy

    29 June 2012

    Abound Solar, another solar technology company backed by the US Department of Energy (DOE), is going belly up.