
  • People Moves 4 November: Standard Chartered, AIGCC, IFRS, Schroders, Big Society Capital ... and more

    04 November 2022
  • So, you want to start thinking about impact?

    21 October 2019

    How should an investor make their first steps in their impact investment journey? Some leaders share their thoughts

  • A healthy investment opportunity

    21 October 2019

    There is no shortage of opportunities for investors who want to target SDG3 – good health and wellbeing – but measuring impact can be a challenge

  • 'Positive impact' companies outperform, says NN IP

    25 March 2019

    'Positive impact' companies deliver higher growth rates, higher-quality returns and lower costs of capital than non-impact companies, research has shown.

  • Introducing the Principles for Positive Impact Finance

    19 April 2017

    The Principles have been designed to help meet the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals. But how will they be implemented? Peter Cripps reports

  • Asset manager devises Sustainable Development Goals tagging system

    22 March 2017

    An asset manager has developed a system to tag equities according to whether they help meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).