
  • First taxonomy act set to pass, 'no date' for nuclear, gas decision

    07 December 2021

    The first set of climate criteria for the EU taxonomy appear set for safe passage this week despite threats to vote down the package - but there is still "no concrete date" for news of the Commission's second set to rule on the contentious issues of nuclear and gas.

  • EU launches Sustainable Finance Platform after Taxonomy approval

    19 June 2020

    The European Commission has officially launched a new expert group that will advise the bloc on its final EU Taxonomy criteria for 'green' activities and a potential expansion to cover social objectives and 'brown' activities.

  • Carney: Prudential regulation should avoid climate policy by 'back door'

    31 March 2020

    Former Bank of England (BoE) governor Mark Carney has warned against using prudential regulation to implement climate policy "by the back door".

  • EU launches NFRD consultation

    21 February 2020

    The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the review of the non-financial reporting directive (NFRD) on environmental and social issues - which includes a question on whether companies should be required to report in line with the EU's sustainability Taxonomy.

  • The EU's sustainable finance action plan: a progress report

    07 February 2020

    Two years into the Commission's ambitious plan to hardwire sustainability into the financial system, Michael Hurley examines the state of play

  • Commission calls for EU non-financial reporting standards

    28 January 2020

    EU-wide reporting standards for 'non-financial', sustainability-related information are set to be developed, in response to a request by the European Commission.

  • EU reveals role for private finance in €100bn Just Transition Mechanism

    15 January 2020

    The European Commission has outlined the role for private finance in its Green Deal Investment Plan, including by encouraging €45 billion ($50 billion) of blended finance through a Just Transition Mechanism.

  • EU agrees "balanced" compromise Taxonomy deal

    17 December 2019

    The EU secured compromise on the Taxonomy to define what constitutes a green investment late Monday

  • EU agreement will make Taxonomy 'much more extensive in scope'

    06 December 2019

    A provisional agreement by the EU on the structural outline of its Taxonomy of sustainable activities has significantly broadened its scope and answered critics who suggested it would be too 'niche', according to a member of the team tasked with helping devise it.

  • EU spawns global sustainable finance platform

    18 October 2019

    The EU has launched an initiative to collaborate with other countries around the world on sustainable finance.