
  • Swiss Re 'whipsawed' by demand for weather protection

    01 December 2021

    The weather derivatives arm of Zurich-based reinsurance company Swiss Re was "whipsawed" this year by demand for protection against cold weather...

  • Wind hedging could soar as price supports fades, says WindEurope

    29 November 2017

    Demand for protection against adverse wind conditions hitting wind power generators' revenues could soar as government support for renewables declines, according to WindEurope.

  • Insuring in a changing climate

    10 October 2016

    A year after the PRA's landmark report into the insurance sector and climate change, Environmental Finance looks at how the industry is responding.

  • Dealing with the changing climate

    22 October 2014

    Weather risk management is becoming increasingly entrenched within Europe's energy sector. But shifting regulatory winds promise to change its complexion. Mark Nicholls reports