
  • Energy efficiency needs historic level of public-private cooperation

    27 April 2017

    With the support of the public sector, over the next two to three years energy efficiency will rise up the corporate investment agenda and become more of a mainstream financing activity, writes Stephen Hibbert

  • Scaling up the energy efficiency market

    03 April 2017

    Meeting the EU's ambitious 2030 target for energy efficiency improvements will require more private finance, better data and standardisation, reports Peter Cripps

  • Why is Marrakesh so important for corporates?

    21 November 2016

    The entry into force of last year's Paris Agreement was a great achievement but, it is just the start. A huge amount of investment is needed to meet climate targets by cutting emissions, and to help countries to adapt to the changing climate, and most of it is going to come from the private sector.

  • A guide through the energy efficiency maze

    07 January 2014

    Steven Fawkes' new book aims to explain the intricacies of the complicated but increasingly important world of energy efficiency. His work is reviewed by Stephen Hibbert