
  • Regulating ESG ratings: Mission impossible?

    02 February 2024

    As regulators around the world seek to define good practice for ESG raters, they are discovering the complexities of doing so, writes Michael Hurley

  • Phoenix Group joins Transition Pathway Initiative

    07 February 2023
  • Every benchmark should include climate indicators, asset owner alliance says

    23 November 2022

    Every standard investment benchmark should include climate indicators, to help asset owners to develop their own custom indexes, the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) has recommended.

  • Biodiversity COP and finance

    15 August 2022

    Ahead of the COP15 biodiversity conference in December, Thomas Cox asks financial experts their hopes for the event

  • Pension funds have 'unique' relationship with deforestation

    12 July 2022

    A guide on how pension funds can tackle deforestation, inspired by their association with asset managers, has been launched by Global Canopy, Make My Money Matter and SYSTEMIQ.