
  • Beyond ESG investing: building a culture of sustainability

    02 July 2021

    A culture of sustainability has to have been pervasive throughout the whole organisation - part of its DNA - for some time, argues Samer Salty

  • Electric vehicle charging fund powers up, with £80m investment

    21 April 2020

    Zouk Capital's electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure fund secured a further £80 million ($100 million) at its second close, with the Church Commissioners for England as an anchor investor.

  • Taking inspiration from the renewables revolution

    12 October 2017

    What lessons can be learned from the evolution of the renewables industry, and what lies ahead for energy storage, asks Samer Salty

  • Sustainability in the digital age

    16 June 2017

    Zouk Capital's Samer Salty explains his thoughts on sustainable investing, cleantech and the measurement of impact to Peter Cripps

  • Internet of things: connecting to a sustainable future

    22 December 2016

    Connecting devices over the internet will be a key enabler in meeting sustainability goals, argues Samer Salty

  • Clean-tech fund makes first exit

    03 September 2013

    A clean technology fund with €230 million ($303 million) of commitments has made its first exit.