
  • Comment: The Cold War over non-financial disclosures

    06 July 2021

    The fragmented landscape of non-financial disclosures is consolidating, and it is geopolitical considerations that are driving the emergence of winners, and the downfall of the rest. Vincent Huck surveys the battlefield and predicts who will emerge victorious.

  • People moves: SIM, IIRC, Swiss Life, Brunel Pension, SUSI, Nordea

    05 July 2019
  • Major reporting standards launch streamlining project

    09 November 2018

    Major reporting bodies have announced a project to align their frameworks, in an effort that could result into more comparable, robust and integrated data for sustainable investors.

  • Project to harmonise reporting standards set for launch

    08 August 2018

    The Corporate Reporting Dialogue (CRD), a collaboration of major corporate reporting frameworks and standards, is planning to launch a harmonisation project.

  • Should non-financial reporting frameworks be harmonised?

    08 August 2018

    There is a baffling array of sustainability-focused reporting frameworks and standards. Would it be beneficial to bring them into alignment, asks Elena Johansson.

  • Integrated reporting database launched

    08 August 2018

    The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has launched an academic database allowing access to research on integrated reporting.

  • Investors support plea for integrated corporate reporting

    27 September 2017

    A group of leading investors, with nearly $2 trillion in assets under management, is calling for companies to integrate their reporting of financial and non-financial data.

  • Experts call for reform of financial regulation to promote sustainability

    14 July 2017

    Regulations governing banks, insurers and asset managers should be reformed "to facilitate green and sustainable investment", according to a group of experts appointed by the European Commission.

  • TCFD Reaction: 'Turning point for climate disclosure'

    14 December 2016

    The launch of TCFD's recommendations were today hailed as a landmark moment for investors campaigning to have climate considerations integrated into mainstream reporting.

  • People Moves - 23 September 2016

    23 September 2016

    Low-carbon energy infrastructure investor Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners is expanding its UK and North America management teams, with four new appointments.