
  • People Moves 14 January: MSCI, Wells Fargo, BIS, Schroders and more...

    14 January 2022
  • MSCI shakes up senior ESG leadership

    14 January 2022
  • MSCI names 10 biggest emitters failing to disclose emissions

    12 July 2021

    Coal India, Russian oil company Surgutneftegaz PAO and Chinese corporation Shaanxi Coal Industry lead a list of 10 companies...

  • MSCI launches SDG alignment data product

    16 September 2020

    Data provider MSCI has launched a tool it says will help investors more closely scrutinise the claims by their portfolio companies of contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Less than half of green bond funds are ESG leaders, says MSCI

    01 June 2020

    Less than half of green bond funds were ranked as leaders in terms of their environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials, according to MSCI ESG Fund Ratings.

  • MSCI: Portfolio warming potential will be key metric

    06 March 2020

    Assessing the "warming potential" of portfolios could soon become standard practice for investors, according to Remy Briand, head of environmental, social and governance (ESG) assessment at data provider MSCI.

  • MSCI makes ESG company ratings publicly available

    27 November 2019

    The MSCI environmental, social and governance (ESG) Ratings of over 2,800 companies in the MSCI ACWI Index have become publicly available.

  • ESG data files: Part five - the impact of the EU's taxonomy

    04 October 2019

    Will the EU's sustainability taxonomy reduce the reporting burden on companies, or could it be another weight on their shoulders? Michael Hurley reports

  • MSCI snaps up Carbon Delta

    09 September 2019

    MSCI has bought Carbon Delta, as the wave of consolidation among climate risk data providers continues.

  • Double down on data to defeat greenwashing, MSCI says

    08 March 2019

    An increase in ‘greenwashing’ can be curbed if asset managers increase the availability of sustainability data of investment portfolios, MSCI has claimed.