
  • UK pension funds to be required to publish TCFD reports

    27 January 2021

    Large UK pension funds are set to be required to report in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures from October.

  • Make climate risk reporting mandatory by 2022, says UK parliamentary committee

    04 June 2018

    Asset owners and large companies based in the UK should be forced to report their exposure to climate-related risk within four years, the country's government has been told.

  • ‘Worryingly complacent’ UK pension funds neglect climate risk

    25 May 2018

    Some of the largest pension funds in the UK are ‘worryingly complacent’ about the risks posed by climate change to investments, according to the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC).

  • UK pensions advised to pursue decarbonisation with climate risk checklist

    26 April 2018

    A checklist for pension fund trustees to consider climate risk in their investments has been launched which encourages UK schemes to adopt targets for reducing carbon-intensive holdings and consider divestment.

  • "Poor" climate risk practice puts pensions at risk, claims report

    06 March 2018

    Millions of pension savers in the UK are at risk of significant losses due to lack of action from pension providers and their regulator on climate risk, a report has claimed.