
  • EU agrees 'game-changing' carbon market expansion

    20 December 2022

    The EU has agreed a ground-breaking carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) alongside a deal to strengthen and expand its emissions trading system (ETS),...

  • Gas, nuclear and the taxonomy: fuelling controversy

    19 November 2021

    The EU is preparing to reveal its decision on whether to include nuclear and gas in its sustainability taxonomy. Michael Hurley presents the state of play

  • Stimulus packages could give 'green lining' to coronavirus cloud

    23 March 2020

    Governments have an opportunity to use their significant fiscal responses to the coronavirus pandemic to help rather than hinder long-term progress on climate action. Ahren Lester explains.

  • EU agrees "balanced" compromise Taxonomy deal

    17 December 2019

    The EU secured compromise on the Taxonomy to define what constitutes a green investment late Monday

  • EU countries urged by MEPs to ‘at least double’ GCF pledges

    07 November 2019

    Every country in the EU should “at least double” their contribution to the Green Climate Fund, the influential Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) has said.

  • France sets €10bn investment target for public-private initiative

    31 May 2019

    The French government has unveiled a major public-private collaboration to leverage a total of €10 billion ($11 billion) of environmentally-themed investments.

  • Finance for Tomorrow elects new board

    04 June 2018

    Finance for Tomorrow – an initiative to promote Paris as a centre of sustainable finance – has elected a new board to serve for two years as it begins the second phase of its development.