
  • ESG Ratings in fixed income: A good start

    19 November 2020

    ESG ratings should only be used as a first step when it comes to assessing issuers, a panel at Environmental Finance's ESG and Fixed Income 2020 conference heard. Ahren Lester reports

  • ESG ratings reflected in sovereign credit spreads, says Hermes

    01 July 2019

    Countries that rate highly on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria benefit from tighter credit default swap (CDS) spreads than those with lower ESG ratings, a study has found.

  • Corporate green bond issuers 'should have transition strategies'

    07 March 2019

    Investors should base decisions about whether to invest in corporate green bonds on their issuer's forward-looking and low-carbon transition strategy, said panelists at a conference of NGO Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).

  • Bondholders wake up to ESG engagement potential

    22 June 2018

    Fixed income investors are increasingly engaging on environmental, social, governance (ESG) issues, as they wake up to their power to influence companies.

  • ESG is correlated to performance in fixed income, study finds

    19 April 2017

    There is a clear correlation between environmental, social and governance data and credit default swap spreads and credit ratings, research has found, although neither fully price-in the risks implied by this data.