
  • Investors welcome tighter GHG targets from US and China

    12 November 2014

    Investors have welcomed new targets on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions announced by China and the US in which China has, for the first time, committed to reduce its absolute level of emissions.

  • Business welcomes EU 2030 emissions goal, but not renewables target

    28 October 2014

    Industry and investors have broadly welcomed the EU's new climate and energy policy framework for 2030.

  • Investors welcome proposed EU ETS reforms

    22 January 2014

    Proposals from the European Commission to reform the bloc's Emissions Trading System have received a qualified welcome from investors.

  • Commission eyes 'stability reserve' to support EU ETS

    21 January 2014

    The European Commission is expected to announce tomorrow plans to set up a reserve of emission allowances to help revive the EU's troubled emissions trading system (ETS).

  • COP19: boon or bust?

    27 November 2013

    The UN climate talks in Warsaw kept a 2015 agreement within grasp – but offers little for investors, at least in the near-term, finds Katie Kouchakji