
  • SolarCity in convertibles deal with Musk, CEO and former investor

    20 November 2015

    SolarCity will sell $113 million of convertible notes to chairman Elon Musk, CEO Lyndon Rive and US firm Silver Lake Kraftwerk.

  • People moves

    14 August 2014

    The latest people moves in the industry, including new recruits for SolarCity, Impax and Mirova

  • SolarCity to offer asset-backed securities to the public

    16 January 2014

    SolarCity plans to follow its issue of bonds backed by solar panels by offering similar products online to retail investors.

  • SolarCity sells shares and notes to raise more than $200m

    30 August 2013

    Solar financing company SolarCity has announced plans to raise $223.5 million by selling shares and convertible notes.