
  • Katherine Garrett-Cox leaves Alliance Trust

    15 February 2016

    Katherine Garrett-Cox is stepping down as head of Alliance Trust's fund management arm, Alliance Trust Investments, after five months in the role.

  • UK government acts to protect green mission of GIB

    02 February 2016

    The privatisation of the UK's pioneering Green Investment Bank (GIB) moved a step closer today when the government announced that a 'special share' would be created to help ensure the bank retains its environmental goals, after the introduction of private capital.

  • GIB in £100m community-scale funding drive

    17 February 2015

    The UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) has launched a £100 million ($154 million) initiative which it claims will be the largest single source of equity funding for community-scale renewables in the country.

  • GIB appoints its first CFO

    26 January 2015

    The UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) has appointed its first chief financial officer, and said it has now moved "beyond the start-up phase".