
  • COP26 round-up, 9 November: Nuclear, Obama and gender

    09 November 2021
  • News Round Up: COP26, IEA, Robeco, Zouk and more

    11 January 2021
  • UK commits to emissions trading scheme over carbon tax

    14 December 2020

    The UK government has opted to launch its own emissions trading scheme (ETS) next month, instead of a carbon tax, and has said it will be more ambitious than the EU-run scheme it will replace.

  • UK government still weighing carbon tax instead of ETS after Brexit

    17 November 2020

    The UK government is continuing to consider a controversial carbon tax after leaving the EU, instead of setting up a domestic cap-and-trade carbon emissions market, denying this would damage its international standing on climate change action.

  • Push for UK 'green+' sovereign bond gathers momentum

    07 October 2020