
  • 2016 catastrophes cost $158 billion, says Swiss Re

    19 December 2016

    Natural and man-made catastrophes in 2016 are estimated to have caused economic losses of $158 billion, according to Swiss Re.

  • Insuring in a changing climate

    10 October 2016

    A year after the PRA's landmark report into the insurance sector and climate change, Environmental Finance looks at how the industry is responding.

  • Uninsured losses from natural disasters could reach $153bn annually, says Swiss Re

    14 September 2015

    Annual global uninsured losses caused by natural disasters could increase to $153 billion, according to Zurich-based reinsurance giant Swiss Re.

  • Floods leave insurers with $8bn of claims in H1

    22 August 2013

    This calendar year is already the second most expensive on record in terms of insured losses caused by floods, a report has claimed, after an estimated $8 billion of claims in the first-half.