
  • People Moves, 10 May: Aviva, DBS, New Forests, Länsförsakringär, ING ... and more

    10 May 2024
  • Opinion: The EU's climate benchmarks need to get with the times

    07 June 2023

    The financial industry's thinking on assessing transition has moved on since the EU introduced its climate benchmarks, argues Michael Hurley

  • Paris-aligned benchmarks boom but are they helping the transition? Part two

    30 May 2023

    Asset owners are placing money in Paris-aligned benchmarks at a quickening rate but questioned whether they facilitate the transition. Michael Hurley reports

  • Three Swedish firms invest in IFC's SEK 3bn coronavirus bond

    20 March 2020

    Part of World Bank's $14bn financial package to help curb the pandemic

  • Impact investing or impact washing?

    19 June 2018

    Insurers say they can find financial value in ESG investing, but they have to be wise to investments that don't deliver on their stated goals. And while ESG can mean different things to different stakeholders, a push for standardisation is not always welcome, according to panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's 2018 EMEA conference. Vincent Huck reports