
  • Video: Affirmative Investment Management's Katie House on social bonds

    27 May 2022

    "The biggest impact that the European Commission's social taxonomy will have is that it can provide really helpful guidance, especially for our research to determine whether something should fall into our investable universe," according to Katie House...

  • Social taxonomy's use for bonds 'limited'

    22 April 2022

    The EU Platform's proposed taxonomy of social activities may have only limited use for social bond issuers, according to a panel of market practitioners.

  • Impact reporting: a work in progress

    08 February 2022

    Green bond impact reporting growing significantly, but problems remain, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • Databases and regulation driving standardisation of labelled bond data

    02 July 2021

    Efforts to standardise green, social and sustainability bond impact data are gaining traction, but widespread comparability remains elusive, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Michael Hurley reports

  • Change on the horizon for green bond impact reporting

    04 February 2021

    Proposals for an EU Green Bond Standard (GBS) and the pending launch of a platform designed to make it easier for investors to access data signal change for green bond impact reporting, according to participants of a webinar on the subject.