
  • Include proxy voting in Morningstar sustainability ratings, Pax urges

    18 July 2019

    Morningstar should include in its sustainability ratings information on how funds vote their shares in line with advice from proxy voting firms, Pax World Funds has said.

  • The next generation

    27 March 2014

    US President Barack Obama is forging ahead with federal guidelines to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants. Katie Kouchakji looks at what form the standards could take, the implications for investors

  • Rules for new US power plants 'to boost gas and renewables investment'

    23 September 2013

    The US Environmental Protection Agency's proposed carbon emission limits for new power plants will spur investment in clean energy, but natural gas is expected to be the big winner, according to observers.

  • Stranded assets: approaching a tipping point?

    16 September 2013

    The concept of 'unburnable carbon' is still relatively new, but there are encouraging signs that fossil fuel-based companies are starting to pay attention, argues Julie Gorte