
  • Dispelling some myths around fixed income and responsible investment

    16 January 2023

    Apart from discussions around green bonds, there is little understanding of the role of fixed income in enabling climate action or sustainable development, write Joshua Kendall and Rory Sullivan

  • People moves 8 July: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered, Credit Suisse, Bundesbank, Wells Fargo & more...

    08 July 2022
  • SLBs without 1.5֯ C targets 'don't hold water'

    24 November 2021

    Investors and underwriters disagree about what makes a good sustainability-linked bond, writes Madeleine Jenkins

  • Record impact bond issuance is asset owner opportunity, says Insight

    19 January 2021

    Last year's record issuance of impact bonds is set to be repeated in 2021, presenting 'great opportunity' to incorporate positive impact objectives into asset owners' mandates, according to Insight Investment.

  • Green Bond Standard 'may lead to fewer issuances'

    18 November 2020

    The introduction of the EU's Green Bond Standard may have the unintended effect of actually reducing the rate of corporate issuances, a panel discussion at Environmental Finance's ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 conference heard.