
  • Greensphere eyes up to $500m through London IPO

    13 November 2017

    Jon Moulton's Greensphere Capital Partners is looking to list a new sustainability focused vehicle on the London Stock Exchange.

  • Greensphere launches new strategy

    01 September 2017

    Sustainability-focused private equity firm Greensphere Capital has launched a new strategy after being spun out from US giant TPG Partners earlier this year.

  • Profile: Ben Goldsmith/Menhaden Capital

    19 November 2015

    Ben Goldsmith explains why his new fund, Menhaden Capital, is investing in energy and resource efficiency - and why it's named after a fish. Sophie Robinson-Tillett reports

  • Menhaden Capital gets IPO away and awards mandate to Wheb

    03 August 2015

    Resource efficiency fund Menhaden Capital, which got its IPO away on Friday, has awarded a segregated mandate to Wheb Asset Management.

  • Ben Goldsmith floats new £150m green fund

    10 July 2015

    Ben Goldsmith is to launch a £150 million ($233 million) resource efficiency fund, with backing from investors including Jon Moulton and Michael Liebreich.

  • Renewables stocks see share prices fall ahead of Scotland referendum

    17 September 2014

    Renewables stocks exposed to Scotland have seen their share prices fall slightly ahead of the country's referendum on independence.

  • Renewables investors fear Scottish independence: Jon Moulton

    21 January 2014

    Investors fear that Scotland could refuse to honour agreements made by the UK government to pay subsidies for renewable energy if it leaves the union, private equity boss Jon Moulton has warned.

  • UK GIB-backed fund in £11m biomass deal

    30 September 2013

    A fund backed by the UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) has "secured the long-term future" of a waste wood-burning biomass plant with an £11 million investment.

  • First UK solar fund IPO marks 'pivotal moment' for sector

    12 July 2013

    A UK solar photovoltaic (PV) investment fund has raised £130 million ($196.5 million) through a successful stock market flotation, in a move that marks a "pivotal moment in the growth of large-scale UK solar".