
  • Bond round-up: SGP, ESB, EIB, and more...

    05 June 2019

    California's State Treasurer has called for the state to become a model issuer of green bonds, by setting stringent requirements to ensure that "green bonds marketed to investors truly are green".

  • Green bonds round-up - 24 Oct - 17 new deals

    24 October 2018

    Royal Schiphol Group, the owner of Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, has priced a green bond worth €500 million ($576 million), making it the first European airport to issue green-labelled notes.

  • California signs Green Bond Pledge

    08 August 2018

    California has become the first state to sign a pledge to issue green bonds to fund infrastructure projects.

  • Five ways to scale up California green bond market, suggested by report

    07 August 2018

    Credit enhancements, the creation of a green bond insurance programme, and setting up a 'green bond bank' are ways in which California can help scale up the green municipal bond market, according to a report.

  • Green Bond Comment, February 2018

    07 March 2018

    Sovereign issuers gave a major boost to the green bond market in February, with inaugural issues from Belgium (€4.5 billion) and Indonesia ($1.25 billion) and a repeat issue from Poland (€1.0 billion).

  • California to back green bonds, despite Trump

    05 March 2018

    California should continue to champion green bonds to fund the build-out of low-carbon infrastructure, despite the US having "abdicated its role as a global leader" on climate change, pledged the state's Treasurer.

  • Trump's infrastructure plan gets mixed reception

    13 February 2018

    President Trump's infrastructure spending plan, unveiled yesterday, has been slammed by his political opponents but given a qualified welcome by industry and investors.

  • CalSTRS to sell remaining holdings in coal companies

    12 June 2017

    The California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) has committed to sell all of its remaining shares in companies that produce coal for power generation by 1 July.

  • Green bond round-up, 22 February 2017

    22 February 2017

    National Australia Bank (NAB) is looking to issue, a euro-denominated green bond, its second offering.

  • How to grow the US green bond market

    24 January 2017

    California Treasurer John Chiang conducted a 'listening tour' of the green bond market. A new report reveals the feedback on the state of the market, and the barriers that need to be overcome if it is to fulfil its potential. Peter Cripps reports