
  • New ICMA metrics could help 'accelerate' biodiversity finance

    01 July 2024

    An influential list of key performance indicators (KPIs) deemed appropriate for structuring sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) has been updated - with the newly added metrics dominated by biodiversity-related datapoints, reflecting keen investor interest in the theme.

  • ICMA, LMA release 'sustainability-linked loan bond' guidance

    25 June 2024

    Two debt industry bodies have jointly published guidance for the issuance of bonds dedicated to financing sustainability-linked loans (SLLs) in order to develop a new sustainable finance product and support the credibility of the performance-based lending instrument.

  • ICMA publishes innovative 'green enabler' sustainable bond guidance

    25 June 2024

    The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has published "ground-breaking" guidance for financing 'green enabling' projects in sustainable bonds amid issuer caution in using these critical transition projects in green finance instruments.

  • ICMA working on 'green enabling' activities guidance to counter 'greenwashing reflex'

    24 May 2024

    The International Capital Market Association (ICMA)-administered Principles is preparing to publish some guidance for 'green enabling' activities in advance of its annual general meeting (AGM) in June.

  • ICMA Principles 'to focus more on impact reporting'

    28 June 2023

    The chair of the executive committee that oversees the sustainable bond 'Principles' said one of its priorities for the next year should be helping green bond issuers focus more on reporting impact metrics, as opposed to outcomes.

  • Sustainable bond market risks fragmentation amid 'regulatory overload'

    25 May 2023

    By Ahren Lester at the ICMA AGM in Paris

  • Emerging markets 'need their own taxonomy'

    29 April 2022

    Emerging markets need their own taxonomy of sustainable activities that is even more granular than the EU Taxonomy, according to one ESG data expert.

  • ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 conference: Day one round up

    12 November 2020

    The annual conference is being held virtually this year and attracted over 600 delegates on its first day

  • No one-size-fits-all approach for financing climate transition, says Morgan Stanley

    06 November 2020

    Ahead of Environmental Finance's ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 virtual conference next week, speakers reflect on the balance between purity and pragmatism when financing climate transition strategies

  • Supporting transition through green bond issuance

    05 November 2019

    EBRD issued its first green transition bond last month. Isabelle Laurent and Carel Cronenberg explain its approach